Oguz's Shrediquette

Here is another Shrediquette, built by Oğuz. He experimented with a fixed motor and some control surfaces to enable yaw control.

Although the propellers are too heavy to allow an efficient stabilization, his tricopter seems to fly pretty good:

Tricopter test flight from Oguz on Vimeo.

Edit: Here is another outdoor video of Oguz:

Tricopter Stability from Oguz on Vimeo.


  1. How do you mean the Props are too heavy? wrong material? to large?

  2. These are APC slowfly props. Each prop is 13g and it is hard for the motors to accelerate these props quick enough. I am using Maxxprod plastic props (6g), and these work much better.

  3. Hi William,
    I lmead research activities in fault tolerant control. Haxa or oKtorotor are interesting products to simulate faults and to accomodate them because they offer redundancies. I wish to buid an attitud control board (with a dspic) which controls the 6 or 8(or less in faulty mode) BCL CTRL cards through the I2C bus. It seems that the adresses of the cards are known but which is the format of the data sent to each card ? If you have information , I will be really interested.
    Thank you
    François Bateman


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