A nice place to fly: Hexacopter in Cameroon / Africa

Usually I visit my parents on christmas and new year. They live in Cameroon since three years and built a small house in the middle of nowhere. This year they again invited me to come and I had the opportunity to take my hexacopter with me. All flights were done via video-goggles / FPV (except for a single scene that you see in the movie). In total I broke 3 propellers. Two when I was falling down the roof of the car and one when I hit a bamboo tree (which seems to be made of very hard material...;-D). I broke the antenna of my RC transmitter, and lost the antenna of the video link. Fortunately, I was equipped with enough spare parts. Flying in Cameroon was great fun, but flying at the beach seems to be dangerous, as there are immediately some large birds of prey arriving, which were probably not in the best mood. Flying through the palm tree plantation was most fun, but there were a lot of mosquitoes attacking me.
Here is the video:

A nice place to fly: Hexacopter in Cameroon / Africa from W. Thielicke on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks for this wonderful video! Your work is an inspiration to me! I've been following some Quadcopter projects for a long time, maybe it's time to build one myself and finally enjoy it!

    Love your 'flying' style! Keep up the good work!

  2. Great Video ! Thanks for the great images (and flight )

  3. A wonderful work, amazing ...

    Greetings from Spain.

  4. That video is insane! Totally amazing!!

  5. Just one word : BEAUTIFUL


  6. Great footage William. I just wrote an article about your hexacopter on my blog, plus uploaded your video on youtube with a link to your blog.
    I must confess I'm not familiar with the ADXRS610 gyro, what would be a close match from the gyros currently available on the market? Did you considered using a 3 axis gyro instead?

  7. Awesome! and just mesmerizing. where can I get on of these?


  8. Un grand merci pour ces très belles images du Cameroun qui nous ont rappelées de très bons souvenirs.
    Franck & Nathalie.

  9. WAOW that's a real splendid video! But now we want more!
    Congratulation for steering.
    Thank's to you!

  10. Amazing and inspiring work. Thanks for sharing all this helpful info with us.

  11. It's a amazing video, I watched it over 10 times now (full no FFWD) and bought myself a Gaui 330X, this will be my first RC Air experience....
    Perhaps I will build a copter myself in the future, first some experience with a commercial one, to check If I have the feeling aswell....

    Regards, Tom from Holland

  12. Super Video. Hab es auf youtube entdeckt. Tolle Bilder, tolle Musik, toller Cut. So stelle ich mir ein Video vor. Würde gerne noch mehr solcher Videos von dir sehen.

  13. One of my favorite video's! Great flying and video editing! What video editing software? Sony Vegas?

  14. Great show guy. An excellent way to look beyond our eyes. Nice to use when going on petrol in the forrest.
    Do you need any declaration on the aeroport at Douala or licence to fly it ?
    You are very lucky to have family in Cameroon.
    Where in Cameroon ? City / Village?
    That house of yours with Solar and cashcrop garden. Thats the future and the present. My dream too.
    Thank you so much for sharing. I lived some years in Kumba, ( South west Province ) that's why........
    The best you, Regards, Donn, Netherlands.

  15. Amazing video. Please track list;)

  16. Terrific. Are you doing any classes? I'd like to come to Germany, build one of these with you and learn how to fly it. Possible? By the way, I spent five years in Cameroon and enjoyed seeing familiar sites from your special point of view. You can reach me at RobertLStrauss@gmail.com - rather you didn't post this. Just email me. Thanks.


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