
Showing posts from November, 2013

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2013 in Nordhausen

On the 30th of october 2013, Prof. Klaus-Peter Neitzke and me gave a talk and flight demo during the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Nordhausen" (Long Night of the Sciences). The talk was titled " Fliegen am Limit und dahinter . Die Indoor -Flug-Show mit Flugrobotern", and we really had great fun during the presentations and the flight demo. I presented some of my PhD work on the aerodynamics of the flapping flight in birds, and Klaus-Peter talked about multirotors and control loops, actually the things he does with his students at the university. In the end, we had a pylon-race-deathmatch, which was pretty tough as the space was very limited. We crashed often during this race, and I was surprised how robust the GEMiNi actually is...Thanks to the Fachhochschule Nordhausen for giving us this opportunity! Here are photographs and some more information (in german however...): Photo: Karin Lehmann, Peter Blei Photo: Neitzke Photo: Neitzke Photo:...