QRC5 first flights

Today was the first "garden flight" of the QRC5. It flies really great and has tons of power (4s motors + 2300 kV motors drawing 12.5 Amps each at full throttle). Due to some modifications in the code of my flightcontroller, it is more smooth and responsive (sounds like a contradiction, but is isn't!) than ever before...: I am using kiss escs with "oneshot" enabled. That means that these set the speed of the motor according to a 125 - 250 microseconds PWM input pulse. My code automatically determines how long the calculations of the control loop take and then synchronizes itself with the PWM pulse. This results in a minimum lag between reading the sensors and reacting to them. Furthermore, I also calculate the velocity of the throttle stick and add it to the motor output. This gives a very good response to throttle commands (something like feed forward). I will soon also include the accelerometer to further enhance this. Now I need to 3d mill the moulds for the canopy, and then I am ready for the first aerial grand prix in Germany / Saarland!
Next week I will practice for this event, actually I have flown only five battery packs this year... This needs to increase!


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