I've been flying the derbe evo for a while now, and it is very agile and fast. I had to reduce the PD parameters by 30%. This is due to the fact that the mass is closer to the centre of the copter, and that reduces the moment of inertia. I was flying a competition with the derbe evo already (Hannover Cebit FPV Cup, here's a video ). Unfortunately, the derbe evo crashed very hard during the qualifying (the gates were made out of massive steel, and the video reception was very poor). I think, I was frontally hitting a metal tube, and the 3D printed frame broke (two Cobra motors also have a bent shaft - I had to replace them as I do not manage to remove the shafts). I implemented some modifications in the new version. The camera angle (wide angle lens) is now 35° (instead of 25°) to allow for higher pitch props. The 3D printed frame is thicker. And the power conncetor is now integrated in the frame. Additionally, I added a small button for the TBS unify pro to change channels com