GEMiNi test pilots

... early view of the prototypes:

  • First flight: May 2013
  • Max. dimension: 47 and 47 cm
  • Camera: Organic stereoscopic view, fixed focus @ 30 cm
  • Weight: 2650 & 2850 g
  • Endurance: 3-4 hours, then needs to be refueled. Most of this time is spent in standby. People told me that the endurance will increase with time
  • Highly efficient low battery alarm
  • Fully organic fuel
  • Batteries should not be overcharged, excess energy will be spilled out through the inlet. Unused components of the fuel will be discharged via the outlet
  • Position hold works perfectly, waypoint navigation is coming soon
edit: About one year after the first flight, we have now successfully implemented waypoint navigation (the speed is increasing with every day), obstacle avoidance (still some bugs in here, control loops need to be tweaked a bit), formation flight, and a (still to be enhanced) voice recognition feature. 

edit2: Four and a half years later, the progress is growing in momentum...! We almost have text-to-speech, we have a NI (natural intelligence) that is growing every day. Even plotting works flawlessly now! PIDs seem to be tuned perfectly, no oscillation or overshooting anymore. However, both units still do not manage to stay in standby for 10 hrs without interruption. Coming home seems to be triggered automatically every 6 hrs. I keep on working on that!


  1. Congrats !!! nice view !!!

  2. Hallo William, herzlichen Glückwunsch. Die neue Generation .
    Grüße aus Berlin Mike RCHHB

  3. Congratulation William .! , Taz


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