Shrediquette with IMU 6DOF Razor - Ultra-Thin IMU

Sven - a friend of mine - built his Shrediquette using the cheap IMU 6DOF Razor - Ultra-Thin IMU . Some modifications have to be done, because the gyros and accelerometers on this IMU work with 3.3V instead of 5V: You will also need to modify the source code, because the arduino needs an external 3.3V reference for the ADC. Modify this line to change from AVCC to AREF: '===ADC SETTINGS=== Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Aref 'reference is changed from AVCC to external reference AREF The source code for an external reference: Here is a video of Sven's Shrediquette. I also had the opportunity to test it in flight, and it flies really good. The only drawback is the IMU's sensitivity to vibration, so you really have to make sure that vibrations are generally low. This is how Sven tried to dampen the IMU: If you have questions regarding this mod, please contact Sven (email is in the pictures above)...